Reteta Cozonac Aroma Vanilie. Premix dezvoltat special pentru brutarii si patiserii care cauta sa impresioneze cu gust exceptional si un blat pufos,. Materii prime brutarie. Premix pentru cozonac cu aroma de vanilie.

All-purpose Flour (000/550)10
Dough Margarine 67%0,800
Reteta Cozonac Aroma Vanilie. Materii prime brutarie. Premix pentru cozonac cu aroma de vanilie. Aroma instensa de vanilie. Blat pufos
1. Initial Mixing:In a suitable bowl, mix all-purpose flour together with CONMIX VANILLA BUN for a uniform distribution of the vanilla flavor.
2. Adding the Remaining Ingredients:After mixing, add the yeast, salt, sugar, and margarine to the flour and premix mixture. Continue to stir while adding water, ensuring that all ingredients blend perfectly.
3. Kneading:Using a spiral mixer, knead the dough for 5 minutes at speed 1, then increase to speed 2 for an additional 7 minutes. Add the margarine in the last 2-3 minutes of kneading to achieve a smooth and homogeneous texture. Kneading time may vary depending on the mixer, so monitor the dough consistency to achieve the desired elasticity.
4. Dough Temperature and Resting:Maintain the dough temperature at 28°C and let it relax for 15-20 minutes at room temperature (ideal 26 – 28°C).
5. Dividing and Pre-shaping:Divide the dough into portions of 550 g each and shape the pieces into a round form. Allow them to rest for 10-15 minutes.
6. Final Shaping:Roll out each dough ball into a sheet, then add the desired filling. Roll the dough, cut the resulting strand in two, and braid them together for a flawless presentation.
7. Proofing:Cover the sweet bread and let it proof for 50-60 minutes at 35°C, with a relative humidity of 80%. After proofing, brush the sweet bread with egg wash to achieve a golden and shiny crust.
8. Baking:Preheat the oven to 170-180°C.
Bake the sweet bread for 40-45 minutes or until it achieves a golden color and a crispy crust.

Reteta Cozonac Aroma Vanilie, un desert traditional cu blat pufos si parfum delicat.

Urmeaza pasii simpli pentru a crea un cozonac delicios, imbogatit cu vanilie si perfect pentru a aduce bucurie la ocazii speciale sau in momentele de rasfat alaturi de cei dragi.
