Premix de panificatie CONMIX PAINE CU CARTOFI pentru obtinerea painii si specialitatilor cu cartofi .


Reteta Paine Cu Cartofi – gustul unic oferit de CONMIX Paine cu Cartofi. Un premix gandit pentru brutari profesionisti, care aduce o savoare aparte si o textura inconfundabila. Materii prime brutarie.

All-purpose Flour (Type 550/650/Whole Wheat)10
1. Initial Mixing:In a suitable bowl, mix all-purpose flour together with CONMIX Potato Bread premix for uniform distribution.
2. Adding the Remaining Ingredients:After mixing, add the yeast, salt, and water to the flour and premix mixture. Continue to stir to ensure a uniform integration of the ingredients.
3. Kneading:Using a spiral mixer, knead the dough for 5 minutes at speed 1, then increase to speed 2 for an additional 7 minutes. The kneading time may vary depending on the mixer, so monitor the dough consistency to achieve the desired elasticity.
4. Dough Temperature and Resting:Maintain the dough temperature at 28°C and let it relax for 10 minutes at room temperature (ideally 26 – 28°C).
5. Dividing and Pre-shaping:Divide the dough into portions of 460-470 g each and shape the pieces into a round form. Allow them to rest for 10 minutes.
6. Final Shaping:Shape each piece into a long form suitable for a baguette or tray.
7. Proofing:Cover the bread and let it proof for 50 minutes at 35°C with a relative humidity of 80%.
8. Baking:Preheat the oven to 240°C.
Bake the bread for 22-25 minutes or until it achieves a golden color and a crispy crust.
Add an innovative touch to your bakery products with CONMIX Potato Bread. Experiment with new flavors and refined textures to attract customers with a diverse and delicious offering.

Descoperă cum să faci acasă pâine cu cartofi, cu o textură moale și pufoasă care se păstrează proaspătă mai mult timp. Află rețeta pas cu pas și ingredientele necesare pentru a coace o pâine delicioasă, perfectă pentru sandvișuri sau ca acompaniament la supe și tocănițe. Reteta paine cu cartofi. Materii prime brutarie. Panificatie.

Premix de panificatie CONMIX PAINE CU CARTOFI pentru obtinerea painii si specialitatilor cu cartofi .